
Visualizzazione dei post da novembre, 2023

Video animation: a great tool for bloggers

  To improve my blog and to develop finally my Youtube channel, I was searching for a  video animation  tool. I am still a beginner, but I am learning step by step. That's why I want to share my experience. Online there are many experts or people who feel to be master in blogging and web marketing. With simplicity, I can just tell you my discoveries. Then it's up to you to decide what to do. If what I write is useful, take it. There is also space for questions in the comments. So I can answer some specific needs you have if I can. My knowledge is increasing step by step, but I am still a beginner. Let's go to the topic. Online I found different software and platforms that offer video animation. I tried free and paid plans, but finally, I came to an interesting website. It represents a  cloud-based system . No download, no installation. This is something that I like. To use it there is only the login. My computer doesn't have to reserve any space. The tool is called  Vid

SEO: the keyword for the blog

  Today I want to start a new series of posts not about travel, but blogging. My first article will be  SEO . An anacronym that every blog should contain. Before going into the topic I want to explain something else. It is somehow related, don't worry. Maybe you remember what I wrote as a goal for the New Year: to add some posts about blogging life. This comes from different messages got from some of you. The ones who wrote were asking some tips on how to increase visitors and visits numbers or how to use certain plugins. Well, I am not an expert at all and surely some of you are more aware of the use of  WordPress  or the internet in general. But since I am learning step by step, after one year of direct experience I can share what I did. Because reading a lot of technical articles I noticed that it is not always so clear. SEO is maybe the reason. It is important also to monetize your blog . My research on SEO It is full of bloggers who explain what to do and how to obtain traffic

Yoast Seo: your next plugin

I want to continue to write about SEO, which is the most important feature to grow your blog. A few months ago I installed a new plugin to my WordPress:  Yoast Seo . It is very important to take care of the contents and of the keywords to get more visibility on search engines. To find new followers we need to consider many aspects. Seo it is the basic one, but it includes many rules. Only if you follow all of them you can reach your goal. That is why it is useful to have a plugin that helps you to check carefully each aspect of your  post  before publishing it. This is what Yoast Seo does. I was searching for something like that and I started to surf the internet. The answer came quite fast because it looks like Yoast Seo is the best program in its field. Maybe you already know and use it. If not I suggest you install it, as I did. The benefits of Yoast SEO The free version that I am using is a bomb. I noticed some improvements to my blog because I got more traffic. Yoast Seo didn'

Seo books

  In my previous posts, I wrote about search engine optimization. Now I want to focus on  Seo books . Yes, surfing the internet you can easily find websites that reveal to you a lot of strategies, but a book is generally more complete. Despite the fact that I am not an expert, I learned that it is crucial to study a lot to manage a blog. I mean, it is something personal to share content, but if you want to find readers and increase your numbers you need something more than quality content. It is like selling the best product in the world. If people don't know it, you will never succeed in your business. Talking about  blogging  the theme is the same. Seo books help you to go deep into the topic and to get a real strategy. In fact, to make a plan to prepare Seo for your blog you need more than a couple of tips or a plugin. It is a matter of method. A blog is essential for affiliate marketing . Seo books  There are several Seo books that I have read in these months and in the last fe

SEO for Dummies

  When I have read the title I thought that was for me. Am I a dummy? I don't think so, but when I started my blog adventure in this field I was like that.  SEO for Dummies  is a great book because it explains very well the strategies and also the reasons why you should act online in a certain way. This book is a step by step guide for beginners. The  text covers all the aspects  and it provides an index and references. So it is easy to read and also you have the chance to go deep into each topic. Usually, the textbooks are a little bit difficult to read cover to cover. Authors tend to take a tactical approach to the topic instead of an abstract or strategic one. The book SEO for Dummies is completely different. It helps to learn also  about the blog management . SEO for Dummies: contents I can confirm that SEO for Dummies is a solid book that provides detailed and code-level recommendations for all the most important elements in SEO. Peter Kent goes from the industry to the site t

Blog: revive old posts

  Here you have some other tips about the  blog . Your blogging life belongs to your activity, but one of your goals is related to traffic. You need to grow the number of your followers if you want to have success. Actually, I consider increasing the number of readers as a result. I mean, why write if people don't read the post? But how can they read the articles, if they don't even know about you and your blog? That's the question. SEO is the answer, you need to follow the search engine rules to be more visible on the internet. One of the things you can do with your blog is to  revive the old posts ? How? There are some steps you need to take into consideration, but mainly you have to do two things. Update them and then share. Easy? Yes, it is, but you have to be careful to do it properly. Blog: post updating The first step you have to do is to update the old posts of your blog. Not always it is necessary to write them again, but just to  make some change . For instance to

Blog post: revive plugin

  In one of my last articles, I explained to you how important is to revive an old  blog post  to get more traffic to your website. First of all, you need to update and rewrite your old posts. Then you have to share them on your social network profiles. Why? Because every day you get new readers and followers and they didn't read what you wrote in past. Fix dates, information, and SEO elements, then propose the posts again. Now I want to give you advice on how you can revive an old blog post. You can install a  plugin  that helps you automatically to share the articles. It easy and it works without any need for your presence on the blog. I installed it not much time ago, but I saw the first results. What does this plugin offer? Let me give you the name first: Revive Old Posts. It is an easy name and it gives clearly the idea. It has a task: post automatically to social media . What do you have to do with your blog post? Once you updated or rewrote them, you have to share them. This

WordPress blog: how to manage it

  When I started blogging I was focused mainly on post contents, but then I learned one important thing. If you want to get readers and followers you have to do marketing. That is why I started to study a bit about  WordPress blog  management. It is normal, if you want to propose something to people, you need to make them aware. If people don't know anything, how can they buy it? The same happens for a blog. Promotion is important. Especially since I bought a domain and I combined SiteGround with WordPress I noticed some opportunities and difficulties. The  opportunities  for my new website were to use more tools and have more features. But in this I found difficulties. I had to handle plugins, choose them, and work on different elements. It is not so easy, that is why I searched for something to create my knowledge about WordPress blog. It wasn't enough to read the WordPress guides online. You can learn more also about  keyword research . WordPress blog: all in one for dummies

SEO keyword research: the most effective tool for any niche

  To obtain success online you need to work on  SEO keyword research . The problem for a blogger is to get traffic, as it happens for any website. How to make people aware of the posts written? How to be visible online? How to sell products and services on the web? These are the questions I asked myself and the internet, like many people and companies. Maybe you did the same. It's easy to find advice on the web, but not all of them work. Anyway, the focus to get visitors has to be directed to  SEO . One of the main elements to get a better position on search engines are the  keywords . We need to choose the appropriate ones for the articles. So we have more chances to appears in the results of the researches. That's why we should use a  keyword research tool . Keywords are just a part of SEO, but maybe the most important. Especially because they feature the post. Cool, we know what we need (we all already knew it)! The real question is: how to find them easily and fastly? When

Keyword Researcher: 1 tool to have success online

  My blogging experience focused on many aspects, but I couldn't succeed without  Keyword Researcher . SEO is an important part of any post. It is a way to get visibility online. That's why, every time I write an article or I post on social networks, I do specific research. I have a goal: to find the best and proper keywords. More people can see my activity, but only if I use the right words to catch the main traffic on the web. Otherwise, even the most interesting text remains unread. How to do it? There are many ways. Online you can find many tools, but all of them give you partial results. Surfing the net I found a very good solution. A tool that makes me save time and reach my goals. Keyword Researcher does the job for me and especially it works on long-tail keywords. This is the right method to rank on Google. Maybe you have doubts. Let me show you the results of the last few days. Check the graph. This is related to the clicks. At the beginning of March 2020, I counted le

SEO by Squirrly: why and how to use it. User's complete review

  You want to improve your blog or you are starting a new one now. So you are searching for the best plugins and resources to be visible and get traffic from search engines. Well, I want to share my experience and give you some information and hints about  SEO by Squirrly . Maybe you have already read my guide about starting a blog and making money and that will help you to move the first steps, but now it is time to go deep into the most important topic. If you want to have success online you have to work on the content, still, it is the king. More useful information you give and more you will get appreciation. But there is something more. Especially if your goal is to earn money with this activity. You can get some earnings to pay good services to grow on the internet, at least this is my goal, but I will tell you more in the next lines. Well, visibility is the key to get traffic and benefits from banners, ads, and affiliate links. That's why  Squirrly SEO  is a good solution, s