Blog: revive old posts


Here you have some other tips about the blog. Your blogging life belongs to your activity, but one of your goals is related to traffic. You need to grow the number of your followers if you want to have success. Actually, I consider increasing the number of readers as a result. I mean, why write if people don't read the post? But how can they read the articles, if they don't even know about you and your blog? That's the question.

SEO is the answer, you need to follow the search engine rules to be more visible on the internet. One of the things you can do with your blog is to revive the old posts? How? There are some steps you need to take into consideration, but mainly you have to do two things. Update them and then share. Easy? Yes, it is, but you have to be careful to do it properly.

Blog: post updating

The first step you have to do is to update the old posts of your blog. Not always it is necessary to write them again, but just to make some change. For instance to remove dates, if it has sense, or to update an image or some information. Remove what is not useful anymore and replace that. In this case, you will obtain a post ready to be shared again. It becomes interesting and useful especially for the people who haven't read it.

Are the posts of your blog still valid? Maybe you can add something more because there is some information not available when you wrote the article. So add them in the way you think more proper inside the old post. Keep in mind the needs of your readers and the ones of Google (keywords search). If you have doubts check them on Google Search Console. Them you are ready to share.

Rewrite the old blog posts

Some other posts of your blog are written may be more than one year ago, so you didn't apply some basic principles. The Google algorithm is changed and you need to consider specific SEO elements and insert them in your article. In this case, you have to rewrite your blog post. It is the best way to make it visible on the various search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and so on.

You need to make your blog post able to answer the biggest number of queries. Before to act check your ranking on Google. Why? Because you don't have to lose the results acquired. After that work on the post rewriting, the optimization of meta tags, images, and improvement of the internal links. You can also add other sources. The goal is to make a positive transformation of the articles not any more interesting for the search engines.

You need also to work on SEO.

What to check about old contents

Proceed for steps. First of all use Google Pagespeed Insight. It gives you an overview of the problems that your website can have. The tool explains you also the improvement and the solutions to adopt. The time to charge a person is obviously one of the most important features to get traffic. Then check the links, because maybe some of them are not any more valid. Use to verify the links.

Drive traffic to the refreshed contents

Now it is time to attract visitors. You got followers during the past months or years and maybe they lost your first posts. So you have to propose your revived articles to them. How? Share them on your social profiles, send a push to subscribed followers and promote the posts with a newsletter. Google will read your posts, so in the next few days, you will get visits to those articles. Don't forget to optimize Title, tags, and meta description. Yoast Seo can help you.

Delete what is unuseful

You should have a plan to publish your articles, but from time to time it happens to post something by chance. If it doesn't make any more sense or if these contents are not useful, you have to delete them. Keep only what is part of your SEO goals. The strategy has to be clear and what is not part of it, has to be removed. Keep this tip in mind, because the traffic to your blog depends also on that element. For example, if you post wishes and press releases, the attention lasts for a few days.

Last tips

I can suggest you post fewer articles, but to take care of their structure. If you have doubts about the post to cancel, ask an SEO expert. Because you can have damages instead of benefits. Before writing new text, check the old one, so you can use all the resources. You have to maximize the results. This is something I learned recently and I am working on it. I am having the first results.


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