WordPress blog: how to manage it


When I started blogging I was focused mainly on post contents, but then I learned one important thing. If you want to get readers and followers you have to do marketing. That is why I started to study a bit about WordPress blog management. It is normal, if you want to propose something to people, you need to make them aware. If people don't know anything, how can they buy it? The same happens for a blog. Promotion is important.

Especially since I bought a domain and I combined SiteGround with WordPress I noticed some opportunities and difficulties. The opportunities for my new website were to use more tools and have more features. But in this I found difficulties. I had to handle plugins, choose them, and work on different elements. It is not so easy, that is why I searched for something to create my knowledge about WordPress blog. It wasn't enough to read the WordPress guides online.

You can learn more also about keyword research.

WordPress blog: all in one for dummies

I found a great book that explains very well what to do. I can understand all the features and the tools of my WordPress blog now. Still, I have to apply most of the things, but now I know where to put my hands. The book title is WordPress All-in-One for Dummies. When I write that the text includes everything, I mean exactly all what concern WordPress. It starts from the very beginning, so how to create a new blog. I am a bit forward, but not that much according to the notions of the book.

There is technical information plus suggestions on how to delight the readers and keep visitors coming back more times. It is a guide to all the stages. I found this book on Amazon and I bought it a few weeks ago. I finished the first reading to have an overview. Now I am checking each chapter with my WordPress blog so step by step I work on the single tools. Acting with it I understood why it is one of the bestselling books.

What offers the book

WordPress All-in-One for Dummies gives support to handle the blog basics. It gives suggestions also about SEO and social media tricks to drive traffic to the website. With the text, I can customize the blog using plugins and themes, and other features. I am happy to have more chances to improve my WordPress blog. You can find the third edition, updated with the last version of the platform tools.


There are four main sections of the book. The first one concerns website building. It gives the chance to the user to become a professional administrator. The second one regards the personalization of the site with the themes and the plugins. You can learn how to select and use them. A third part of the book explains how to use SEO rules and how to integrate the WordPress blog with social media. This helps to promote the website. The last part gives hints on how to read and understand site analytics.

The author

Do you have one more question: who wrote WordPress All-in-One for Dummies? Her name is Lisa Sabin Wilson. Maybe some of you already heard her name. She is a real expert in the field. With a lot of experience in WordPress blog using and developing. Maybe you already visited her website or used the services of her company: http://webdevstudios.com.


She is the owner and the chief operating officer of WebDevStudios. They do enterprise-level applications, design, and development for WordPress. She and her staff know very well how to work on a WordPress blog. Also, they wrote a lot of books on topics related to the blogging platform. They shared some of the secrets they know and this is why I am getting better in my activity online. I suggest you buy it. It is easy to find it on Amazon and the price is low compared to the benefits. It is one of the best books.

Are you searching for more guides to managing your blog? Get them from my all posts.


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